Have fun and get involved!

Dear Friends,
The Finger Lakes Museum & Aquarium (FLM&A) is excitedly preparing for another fun-filled calendar of programs for summer 2017. In order to help these programs be a splashing success, we are recruiting dedicated volunteers to help out. It is a thrilling time to become involved with FLM&A, and there is certainly something for everyone!
This year’s programs have been organized by our new Program/Outfitting Director, Deb Lyon. Deb has been an environmental educator for the past 10 years after a career as Captain with the United States Air Force and then as a Civil Engineer. Deb’s diverse background as an environmental educator has taken her to Belize, Guatemala, and to various institutions here in the United States. Her passion for learning and educating enables her to be an ideal educator with the FLM&A and to lead excellent research programs with all age groups.
Also joining the museum as Assistant Director is Kelley Jo Elliott. One of Kelley’s main tasks will be coordinating the activities of and communication with, all museum volunteers. Kelley is excited to be able to combine her passion for the outdoors with her 10+ years of experience working at museums in Montana, Washington DC, and most recently in Corning, NY.
This summer’s programs are listed below, with full descriptions found on our website: (www.fingerlakesmuseum.org). If you, or others you may know, are interested in volunteering time to any these programs, please use this link [https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/CRC7JXG] to sign up and let us know the days and times you are available.
Sat, July 1, 8:30–11am Eco-Paddle
Sat, July 8, 9am–11am Wetland Walk
Sat, July 15, 10am–2pm Community Paddle Day
Fri, July 21, 6–9pm Sunset/ S'More Paddle
Sat, Jul 22, 8:30–11am Paddle & Yoga
Mon-Fri, July 24–28 Timber Frame Workshop
Sat, July 29, 9am–3pm Woodworking Demo Day
Sat, Aug 5, 9am start Keuka Paddle 5k
Sat, Aug 12, 9–11am Wetland Walk
Sat, Aug 12, 10am–2pm Community Paddle Day
Sat, Aug 19, 8:30–11am Eco-Paddle
Sat, Aug 26, 8:30am–3pm Endurance Paddle
Any questions about these FML&A programs can be sent to Deb at dlyon@fingerlakesmuseum.org. And any questions about volunteering with FLM&A can be sent to Kelley at kelliott@fingerlakesmuseum.org. We look forward to hearing from you!
All the best,
Kelley Jo Elliott & Debbie Lyon
Kelley Jo Elliott, Assistant Director, and
Deb Lyon, Program/Outfitting Director