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Celebrating Honeoye Lake - Sandy Bottom Park and Nature Trail

Honeoye Creek, a tributary of the Genesee River, emerges from the north end of Honeoye Lake where, with a lot of help from the Honeoye Lake Rotary Club, a swampy area has been transformed into a beautiful park . At Sandy Bottom Park and Nature Trail you will find a sandy beach, a bath house, pavilions, a tennis court, a basketball court, a softball field, a volleyball sand court and two playgrounds.

North of the beach area, the creek flows into a catchment area before flowing into grassy wetlands. Here you will find a quiet place to sit under the trees and the entrance to the nature trail. The trail is an easy, flat hike of .8 miles, half of which is grass/dirt trail, the other half on raised boardwalks where you will find seats along the way to rest, and enjoy nature.

While it is a little too early to think about swimming in the lake, the nature trail is open year round. Don't forget your boots though, sections of the trail can get quite muddy during the wet seasons. Sandy Bottom Park and Nature Trail, another great reason to get outside and enjoy the Finger Lakes year round!

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